That gold leaf fairly shimmers, eh? I look forward to more pictures of the park. And, of course, of your accomodation. What's it like? How are your finances going? Are things more expensive than you thought? I like your T-Shirt!!!! Take care and here is lots of love, a whole heap of it from home!
Hey mum there are already photos of my accomodation here. I posted them ages ago. Click on the archives, either july or august and scoll down. I'll post more pictures soon. I spent heaps of money on accomodation but I'm learning how to live on the cheap here. It's not that different to Melbourne once you get the hang of it! love finn
Hey Ross,
I think they've been phazing them out but I'll see what I can do. What are you willing to pay for it?
Finn, at 4:37 PM
That gold leaf fairly shimmers, eh? I look forward to more pictures of the park. And, of course, of your accomodation. What's it like? How are your finances going? Are things more expensive than you thought? I like your T-Shirt!!!!
Take care and here is lots of love, a whole heap of it from home!
Anonymous, at 7:28 PM
Sorry Ross, no tokens anymore. They only use cards now. Anyway I spoke to laura and you didn't take her home so I guess that makes us even.
Finn, at 4:14 AM
Hey mum there are already photos of my accomodation here. I posted them ages ago. Click on the archives, either july or august and scoll down. I'll post more pictures soon. I spent heaps of money on accomodation but I'm learning how to live on the cheap here. It's not that different to Melbourne once you get the hang of it!
love finn
Finn, at 4:16 AM
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