Photos from san fran 2

Well this is what firetrucks look like in San Francisco.

A wooden interiour in little Italy. I'm sure that would be deadly in an accident.

After borrowing a bike in the most touristy part of San Fran (Fisherman's warf. Don't go there. It's horrible) I got to this badland area while in search of this massive crane they used in Myth busters. I thought this graphity was pretty cool. There was a portable church behind me when I took this. I'll upload it soon.

I've shot people up here while playing GTA. It's near fishermans warf.

I was obsessed with games and kept seeing PS2's everywhere. It was like being in rehab.

Near where I stayed for a night at the Green Tortoise (near china town and little italy) there were heaps of old strip joints.

Good left wing bookstore.

These guys showed me around all the touristy places that day. We are in the tower thing (I'll remember what it's called). David was a very unsure tour guide but (chris?) knew what to show.

More nice mission area murals.

Another mural walking to David's friends resteraunt for free pudding and more wine!

I have no idea what this is. Looked big and important though.

Near Mission st buskers.

Nice church buddy!

Still hadn't gone on a cable car yet. This is where they turn around on some big thing.

Had brunch here. It's probably all a gimmick but apparently Francis Ford Coppola still works upstairs.

What a fantastic set of shots. The colours and shapes are wonderful. I especially love the amazing murals and, of course, the beautiful gardens. Imagine being from aother planet and arriving in this city. You would surely admire the civilisation that painted those walls and the architects who made such a variety of shaped buildings. It looks like a lovely place and you have taken pictures which highlight the individuality of the residents - or is it your own? Only thing I'm missing, is a photo of you!!
Anonymous, at 6:10 PM
Thanks mum. I try. This isn't even the half of it. Got heaps more to upload when I get time and a place to do it. I'm now in New York and this morning was very tired cos I didn't get to sleep on the plane and this place is very full on.
I took a photo of myself on a cable car that I'll try and upload soon and I also took on of me eating a big pretzel. I think they should be satisfactory.
love finn
Finn, at 5:42 AM
How exciting!! New York!! Have you checked out your accom? I'm always on about where you're going to sleep, aren't I? It was always a first consideration for me when I was travelling. How insecure I must have been! I will try to email you a photo of Mike and Misha's new baby who may be called Elsa Ray. Not final yet. My emails to you keep getting delay notices. I don't know why. But they're not that rivetting anyway. Love your blog and look forward to your New York story photo essay when you've rested a bit. Take care in the big city!!
Anonymous, at 6:57 AM
Hi mum. I already got some photos of the baby from michael. I still haven't seen the first one in real life yet.
Yesterday I was hating this city but by the end I started to like it when I got away from times square a bit. It's really different to San Fran where you can pretty much walk everywhere. You do that here and you get really tired.
I'm trying to upload photos but this internet place costs money. That's what this town should be called. Money or doller or something.
Anyway, just to let you know. I like this hostel I'm staying at. I slept really well last night with earplugs and eye mask. I'm all rejuvinated!
I just managed to post some photos and even one of me! Enjoy
Love you mum
Finn, at 5:27 AM
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