Finn in America

Thursday, August 18, 2005

First pictures from New York

Ok when I first got here I was very tired and not in the best of moods. I was blown away walking along Broadway through Times Square to get to my hostel and the park was pretty cool but after exploring the city for a while exhausted I started feeling very claustraphobic and that this place was just a CBD that never ended and I don't really like CBDs all that much.

Anyway, once I got the hang of the subways (I've still got to get used to the heat. Why the hell is it so hot down those things?) I was able to get out of Trumps part of town to some nicer areas like China Town and the Villiage.

This is inside Central station. I took other photos but this internet costs money. Bloody NY.

This is the only thing outside Grand central Station I could take a photo of. The rest is being redone.

Today I feel much better after 14 hours of sleep. It's hot today but that's ok. I'm off to explore the park.


  • Thanks Laura,
    Yeah I was really tired. I'm uploading photos now. I don't think I'll go into the park at night but the rest of the city feels really safe at night.

    By Blogger Finn, at 10:05 AM  

  • Oh thanks Finn for putting yourself in a photo. It's good to see you. Does this trip seem to last and last or is it all flashing by? Was it the tallness of the buildings that chlaustra-ed you? What is your accom like now? Is there no free internet access? Or for the price of a cup of coffee?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:17 PM  

  • No worries mum. Time does seem to be going fast now but I've still got two weeks. I'm just taking it slow. I love sleeping in so I'm doing as much of that as I can and then just doing a few things a day. It's been raining today and Laura! I just saw some people wearing gumboots!

    I'm used to this city now. It was just before I knew how to get around that I didn't like it. No free internet yet so I have to hurry with email etc. Still looking for some!

    By Blogger Finn, at 4:19 AM  

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